Lifesaver Bottle 6000 Ultra Filtration Water Bottle Replacement Cartridge

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LIFESAVER bottle 6000UF replacement cartridge has a service rating of up to 6000 litres of water. The cartridge will remove bacteria, viruses, cysts, parasites, fungi and all other microbiological water-borne pathogens from your water (see performance data). LIFESAVER complies with all British, US and European Drinking Water Regulations for Microbiological Reduction as tested and certified by the London school of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine.

FAILSAFE technology

As the LIFESAVER cartridge approaches the end of its life the bottle requires a greater number of pumps to induce water to flow. When the bottle requires a significant number of pumps to induce water to flow this indicates that it is nearing the end of its life. When no more water can be induced to flow despite continuous pumping, the cartridge has expired and it is time to replace it.

*please note, all prices do not include international customs charges which you may be liable forLifesaver replacement cartridge 6000 liter